It's hard to believe Sophia is already 12 days old! Time is already flying by! Our 12 days have been filled with many "firsts" for all three of us! Upon coming home we slowly introduced Bandit to our new little Sophia. He has done so well with her. He is very curious about her every sound, and enjoys following us from room to room with her. He even gets up for all of the night time feedings just to sit near us!We took Sophia to her first doctor's appointment when she was 3 days old. Dr. Midah told us that she had lost more weight than recommended, and told us to begin supplementing her feedings with formula. We've been sticking to a tight feeding schedule to get her weight up! The bottle feeding is much easier on mom now that dad can help too!
We experienced our first night of no sleep last week as well. :) We tried everything we knew! We fed her, we changed her, we burped her, we sang to her, we went on a car ride, we rocked her, we tried everything! But sleep was not on Sophia's agenda that night. Just crying. All night. Around 2am Matt and I finally decided we would take shifts staying up with her. I must say, pulling an all-nighter when you are younger, with friends and having fun is much different than an all-nighter with an infant who is crying non-stop! We were emotionally as well as sleep deprived and took every offer family made to come sit with her while we took naps the next week! Needless to say, Sophia slept like a log the next night, and we were able to catch some z's as well!
We've been enjoying every minute with Sophia. We've been able to spend the past two weeks relaxing as a family of three! We are learning so much about her and she is adjusting so well. She is such a content little girl. Only fussy when she's hungry or needs her diaper changed! We feel so blessed to have this new addition to our family.
As you can see, Sophia has also been enjoying her time at home, and is becoming quite relaxed herself!On Monday we took Sophia for her newborn pictures! Our photographer, Amanda McClellan, was so patient and so good with Sophia through the whole session!
Wow........what a truly surreal 48 hours. It's now 12:30 am Wednesday morning and Sophia is coming up on her 1 day birthday. Mom and baby are still at the hospital while dad snuck away for some good sleep and to take care of Mr. Bandit at home. I wanted to get a few pictures posted and let everyone know about Sophia's (and our) big day.
As Katie mentioned in our last post, we headed over to labor and delivery in the evening of Monday the 11th. Katie's doctor broke her water at about six pm and little Miss Sophia came at 1:36 am, Tuesday morning, January 12, 2010. Katie was exceptional through the entire labor and barely had to push before Sophia was delivered. Our beautiful daughter weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long. Besides a little heart rate complication after Katie received the epidural, our time in labor and delivery went very smooth and worry free. Katie's nurses and doctor were amazing and helped make our experience so memorable.
During the day on Tuesday, our newly expanded Taylor family passed the time sharing Sophia with her new grandparents, great grandparents, and aunts and uncle. We also had some quality time with just the three of us getting to know each other. During this time, I'm proud to say, I successfully executed my very first diaper change of all time. As many of you who know me, I am anything but a boastful person. But I don't think it would be wrong to say, that this diaper change was the best diaper change that anyone has ever completed. Ever. In case there are some that don't believe me, please reference the picture as proof.
Katie and Sophia should be discharged sometime Wednesday and the Taylors will come home to start our new family life together. We know that a lot of you really wanted to come visit while we were at the hospital. We appreciated everyones' understanding about the hospital's new flu prevention guidlines for the number of guests allowed. We wanted to make sure our families were top priority while we were at our home away from home. We hope to see all of you soon and introduce Miss Sophia to you. Just preferably, not everyone at the same time :)
Enjoy the pictures and thank you everyone for your loving support.
We had our 40 week doctor's appointment this morning! I got into the room and my nurse took my blood pressure. She waited a moment before she said, "Oh, its a little know what that means!" Matt and I looked at her and asked, "What?!" and she told us, "You'll probably be sent over to the hospital from here!" So, Dr. Nordeen came in and immediately noticed the rise in blood pressure. We talked about how tomorrow is our actual due date, and what we should do. He got all excited and said, "Let's get this little girl here!"
So, this evening Matt and I will be heading to Labor and Delivery to get the labor started! We're so excited that this day is finally here! It feels a little bit surreal to think that when we come home next we'll be parents!