Monday, January 31, 2011

Why the silence???

I'm sworn to it. Seriously.

I've been serving on Jury Duty since last Tuesday, and I'll assure you that while this case is interesting, I'd MUCH rather spend my day with my sweet Sophia...or EVEN, the 26 little students in my room; all of which have the "Tomorrow's February which means it's almost time for our Valentine's Day Party" fever...seriously. So I'm sure you can guess how the trial's going...or how my nerves are at the end of the day.

When I'm allowed to talk via the internet....we'll be back!
(The judge just wants us jurrors taking every precaution necessary to make sure that things stay private, so facebook and blogging are put on the back burner for a while.)
(I really do miss posting...and I really do want you all to follow along...So be patient, I should be done with the civic-duty on Feb.10th...1 week down, 2 weeks to go...)

In the meantime; Enjoy this picture of your favorite little one-year-old!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Dear Sophia,

Today you are one year old. We have come so far in this past year as a family. We have watched you grow from a tiny, helpless baby into the adventurous little girl you are now. Every day you are learning new and exciting things and sharing that joy with your Daddy and me.

This last month you have become so interested in what we are doing, and you want to try too! Whether it’s you trying to do things we do, or say things we say. You can stand at your door for hours, opening and closing it, giggling at me as I pretend that I'm going to come tickle you when you open it. Whether it's your bedroom door or the cabinet doors in the kitchen, you are captivated by how things work. The same goes for anything with buttons, especially the remote controls to our TV and DVD players. Though most of the time you are really good about bringing them to us when we remind you that they are not yours! It’s only occasionally that we have to chase you through the house to get them back.

Not only do you mimic the things you see us doing, you are beginning to expand your vocabulary too. You’ve been able to say “Thank you” (or Tay-ooooo) for quite some time now, but “Please” (Peeeas) while pointing to what you want is becoming a regularly used word as well! It’s so hard to not give you what you ask for when you use such nice manners!

Although this month has been filled with joys and excitement, you have also discovered how to throw a very effective tantrum. When your Daddy or I tell you 'no' or take you away from a danger like the electrical outlets or the stove, or when you try to slam your weight down on the TV Receiver, you pout your lip, sit down on the floor and begin whimpering. However, that behavior is still very mild compared to the gingerbread incident. Upon finishing your first gingerbread cookie, you saw the bag and wanted another. When we told you, “No, one cookie is enough” you threw your body on the floor, kicked your feet up and down crying, and rolled your body face down into the carpet. This went on for several minutes.

You have also become the cuddliest little girl! Though I fear it was due to the double ear-infection and sinus infection you had over break, it seems that your need for “Get Better Cuddles” has turned into a habit. We both have commented how much we miss those early months when you would be content to stay in our arms for hours. We are now loving every second you want to be in our arms and cherishing every moment; because we’re pretty sure that if the next 12 years go by as fast as this one did, we won’t have very many more chances to cuddle with you.

With all 6 of your teeth, your smile lights up the room and each and every kiss you give freely is a treasured gift. We are so proud of the little girl you are becoming, of all of the things you have learned, and all that you will be. We love you more than we can say and we can't wait to see what this next year will bring.


Mommy and Daddy

Today's Sophia's Birthday!

Check back later for updates on our day!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

RSV and our little one :( was officially the day my vacation was supposed to end. Back to school I was headed. BUT, Sophia had other plans in mind. While I would like to say I'm at home today because I just needed another Mommy Day, that just isn't the case.

What I didn't include on the birthday post was how things went around here on Saturday night. To make a really long story short, we were up until the early morning hours with Sophia. Bath at 1:30 am, and then finally to bed. The cold that we thought she had, seemed to be getting worse, and a fever hit her at about 5:30 that just would not go down. By the time things started to seem bad, it was too late (or too early...) for Urgent Care, so we decided to get her calmed down and to sleep and that we'd take her in the morning if it didn't seem like things were getting better.

She slept until 8:30, so after a bottle, a shower for mom and dad, and getting dressed, we headed to Urgent Care at 11am, and we didn't leave until almost 3:30/4pm! A long wait in the waiting room, and even longer wait in the exam room. ugh. But Sophia was such a good girl, all the while they were probing her and listening to her, and swabbing her for tests.

It finally came back that she tested positive for the virus RSV. While I had heard about this before, I didn't know the full effects. The doctor explained that the virus constricts the airway, which makes it hard to breathe. That's why we had heard her with a wheezing sound and a horrible sounding cough. So he gave us (or rather, at a hefty price, we had to rent) a nebulizer and got a prescription for breathing treatments.

So, while I am supposed to be at school today, I'm here loving on my little girl the best I can. It's so hard when the kiddos get sick this young. They can't just tell you what they want or how they are feeling. So one minute she wants me to hold her and the next she wants down. Then she wants to eat, then she doesn't eat a thing. Then she wants a toy, and then she wants nothing to do with it. :( I just wish there were some way to translate what she wants and needs at this time. So I will give her the best that I can, my love.

We are so super blessed to have family in town to help too. I had no idea that a baby could eat up almost all of my sick days so quickly~ So with that, we are extremely grateful to have family who loves Sophia as much as we do, who would do anything at the drop of a hat to be here with her. Tomorrow is Grandma Sue day! Thank you Grandma Sue!

Wednesday is Sophia's actual birthday. So we'll keep you posted and we're hoping our little Love-Bug is feeling more like herself for her special day.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Butterflies & Birthday Wishes


A birthday banner in the sun room

The Birthday Girl and her Daddy playing Saturday morning!

Butterfly Cupcakes

Butterfly "Smash Cake" just for Sophia.
(***Note: this is the after shot of what the cake really looked like when we picked it up from the bakery on Saturday morning...I'm not one to complain, and I know I can be a bit of a perfectionist... but seriously..... this cake had 10 clear-plastic butterfly rings placed on the outside of the cake. You know the kind, where the details of the wings are painted with gold. The ones that look like they had been dug out of a quarter machine...So, when we got home, this cake got a makeover, and I must say, that it looks 100 times better than it did!***)

Saturday afternoon we celebrated Sophia's 1st birthday!

Matthew and I wanted the day to be extra special for Sophia. We wanted this to be a birthday to remember. Even though Sophia will not remember it, it will always be a special memory to us.

So here are some pictures of our favorite moments from the day!
Sophia and her Daddy

All dressed up for her party

This was about the extent of her interest in the gifts...

Instead, she was content to sit on Kel's lap and eat!

Checking out the Tea's so cute, it even talks to you with an English Accent! hahaha

And then it was cake time! Every bit of Sophia's personality was displayed here. She is so inquisitive, and polite, and curious...but also very reserved, until she knows just what's going on!

So, we sang Happy Birthday to Sophia, and as we sang, she reached out, and pointed to the cake, saying, "Peas" (for please...) Which was adorable, and just like our girl. She points and says please and you just can't say no...we're definitely in trouble with this girl!
Her first touch of the icing...

And then the first taste...

And another...notice how she's changing from left hand to right hand and then back, it was almost like she was shoveling the icing in, one hand at a time...

And now she's going for it!

:) YUM!

The aftermath...licking the sugar off her lips still!
And if you look really closely, you can see the strands of hair starting to dry, all sugary and crunchy! :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Sophia's Birthday week....

Can you believe it? We sure can't. I remember this EXACT week last year. It's crazy to think that a year has passed already. And while I've been thoroughly enjoying every second at home this week, I've also been busy gearing up for Sophia's 1st birthday party tomorrow.

So check back soon for pictures and updates from the big day!