Oh April feels so long ago, and I'm feeling horrible about not getting on here sooner. But now that summer is upon us, I'll have more time for the updates....or so I plan! :)
May brought Mother's Day. And this year Matthew and Sophia spoiled me silly. Thursday morning as I was mid-teaching, 2 office-aide's walked into my room with a large purple box. "Is today your birthday?" One of the teens asked me. "No...?" I answered, and as she handed over the box, I understood the question. It was flowers! I opened the box to find 2 dozen beautiful bright pink roses and what must have been 2 more dozen lilies. Gorgeous. My students were so excited to see the beautiful flowers and hear the message on the card that our lesson stopped. :) Matthew and Sophia had surprised me, big time!

For Mother's Day, this year we had the boys plan the morning. At first, none of them were excited by the idea. But as Carly, Mom and I reminded them, we shouldn't be planning our OWN Mother's day...right? Josh took the lead and designated Matthew with a coffee cake. Matthew, the non-cook that he is, was a little apprehensive about finding a recipe, so I did help with that detail, finding an overnight coffee cake, which I thought might take some of the pressure off the busy morning if we made it the night before. Or if HE made it the night before :) It was DE-LI-CIOUS! My mom has already called for the recipe, and coming from my mom, the master chef, that's a HUGE compliment! :) So we had brunch at mom and dad's and it was so fun to celebrate with Carly on her 1st Mother's Day. We were all some spoiled Momma's; All 3 of us getting gorgeous jewelry.
Sophia had her first school performance. Noah's Ark held their annual Preschool Graduation, and though Sophia is not graduating (Thank Goodness!! Time is going by so fast that we know this day will come soon enough), all the preschool classes participated. Well, kind of. Sophia's class was up there, but in true Sophia form, she stood up at the front and did not say a word. Not one. :) She did so good though, I thought for sure she would be running to us in the audience when she saw us, or she would start bawling her eyes out, but she did so good. She stood with all of her classmates and watched the audience so intently. At one point she was craning her neck so high to see where we were, that she almost fell off of the step...! After the performance we came home and had a bbq. Or as Sophia calls them "Party!"

At school, Open House fell on one of our busiest weeks at school, but it was fun! I love having the kids take ownership for their learning, and showing their parents and families everything that we have done through the year. We raised frogs again this year so we had a Frog Map that families followed to make sure they saw everything there was to see about 1st grade. It was so much fun.
Matthew actually got a little break from his school this month. With the Tee Up For The Huskies Annual Golf Tournament, he was maxed out. So it worked out well that he got some time off to focus on the tournament, without having to worry about keeping up with his course work. We are less than a year away from his completion. It's going so fast! April 2013 will be here before we even realize it!
And a new car! After Matt's beloved Jeep took a dump back in 2009, we replaced it with the Nissan Pathfind with the intention that it would be our "family car" since Sophia was on her way. This meant that Matthew inherited my Nissan Altima. My 1998 Nissan Altima. It was a good car. Matthew would probably argue otherwise because he was the one who had to drive it everyday. And notice how I said "had to" drive it. Matthew did not think that this inheritance was so great. It was 14 years old. It was getting to the point where the repairs and parts that were needed were going to cost more than the car was worth. So, in true Matthew fashion, we did research and we found a great deal at CarMax and a great car-loan rate at Golden 1. So we got a new car. Or Matthew got a new car. You might laugh, but it's also a Nissan Altima. Only this one has all the bells and whistles. Leather seats, a moon roof, and a Bose sound system.

And with this school break came yard work too. :) Of course. So we're on to more work and more plans and as it happens, we'll post pictures. Basically, we're finally working on the Back-Back Yard. The space that appears to be dirt. Soon to be leveled/graded, treated so weeds won't grow, and ready for actual space planning. Turning our vision into a reality...one step at a time.
Sophia got her 1st set of wheels! A new tricycle. She tried it out in Target and did AMAZING! And we haven't been able to get her off of her "motorcycle" ever since. She LOVES it!
SUMMER, SUMMER, SUMMER, SUMMERTIME! It's finally time! I am SO looking forward to my summer with Sophia. This year we will have Tita Carly and Addison to spend our time with too. It will be great! Pinterest has given me several ideas of things that I can do with Sophia, crafts I can do, recipes to try, and ideas for school.
We're starting our summer off with a celebration for Matthew's birthday. (Just after Little Miss wakes up from her nap,) We'll be heading up to Chico to do some Mini-Golfing and then eating dinner at a place we used to frequent when we lived there, Smokin' Mo's. Yummy, southern style BBQ with all the fixin's; Cornbread with honey butter, beans, and coleslaw. Good Stuff.
Our Tahoe vacation with the Taylor family just happened too, so as I promise all the time, another update will be up soon! Only this time I mean it! I'm going to get better at this!