Tomorrow when you wake up, you will be one year old. I've had many moments this week where I haven't been able to contain the tears when I think about your first year. We are in awe at how fast this year has gone by. We are shocked daily at the changes we notice with you. And you keep us on our toes, little climber. Every day you are learning new and
exciting things and you are not afraid to take big risks, which sometimes scares your Daddy and me.
Having a little guy in the house has been an entirely different experience from having your big sister. From day one, we could tell that your temperament was different than hers. We are constantly amazed at how two children from the same parents can be so different. You are so curious about the way that things work. From the minute you could crawl you were trying to figure out how to open doors, how your sister's dolly stroller moved around on the floor. You'd flop it over and play with the wheels for the longest lengths of time, just taking it all in. And you've become our climber. We can not take our eyes off of you for one second. I'm amazed at the risks you will take and the speed at which you do !!
You are such a sweet boy. You are always ready for a hug, or a cuddle. And every time we pick you up, you snuggle your little head into the crook between my shoulder and my neck, and wrap your legs around my torso. Time stops. And I melt. Literally. I've always heard that there is a different kind of love between a mom and her son, and Ryland, you sure do know how to show it. I just want to hold on to these moments of time forever.
You have an amazing sister in Sophia. When she first met you in the hospital, there was some reservation on her end. She wasn't sure what to think about you all bundled up like a caterpillar, and seeing me in the hospital bed is still something she talks about. But from the moment you came home, she has done nothing but LOVE on you. I still remember sitting on the couch the afternoon we came home. Daddy picked her up from school and she ran. full speed. straight to you. I have always felt that the love a parent experiences is not something that can be explained. Especially since having children of my own. I also feel that the love is not something you understand until you hold your own child for the first time. It's bigger and deeper than anything. But watching Sophia makes me wonder if others do experience it? She shows love to you in such a big way. She tells me all the time that she loves you "this much", as she circles her arms in the air as big as they can possibly go. And the day you started walking, her world changed. Ryland, I can't wait until you can see this for yourself and feel her love.
But not every single minute is glorious. That wouldn't be honest. You hate teething. And it doesn't come easy for you. You drool. And go through several shirts a day. And everyone knows that you are in pain. Because you don't let us forget it. :( And it breaks our hearts. With only 4 of your teeth, your smile lights up the room. And while I enjoy each and every grin, sometimes I fear for the time that the next tooth will appear, and pray that it gets easier.
You are such a lovebug. Each and every kiss you give warms my soul. We have so enjoyed every moment of your first year, and watching the little man you are becoming. We know that you will do great things.
We love you more than we can
say and we can't wait to see what this next year will bring.
Mommy and Daddy