Where is the time going?
It's hard to believe that yesterday was the 3 week mark already! Where is the time going?! Sometimes it feels like we just came home from the hospital. But others it does seem like we've been a family of 3 for quite some time. We're definitely getting to know what all of her little noises and cries mean; We're getting a good routine down as far as feedings and diaper changes; And we're actually getting a decent amount of sleep at night! :) We had Sophia's 2 week check up last week, and her weight is up! She's now at a healthy 8 pounds 6 ounces! So all of the 2 hour feedings paid off! And we were told that we could now extend her feeding time to 3-4 hours! This has made an incredible difference in our sleeping at night! Our routine seems to be going smoothly! We're now only getting up at 1:30am and 5:30am! Yahoo! It's great to get some quality sleep time! Matt returned to work last Monday, so Sophia and I have been adjusting to just the two of us during the day. If you know me, you know how hard it is for me to sit around, how hard it is to leave dishes in the sink, how hard it is to leave the laundry basket full of clothes, how hard it is to have clutter around...BUT I'm quickly learning that all of those things really don't matter. :) So many people tried to tell us before that it would be hard to let those things go, and they were right, it is. But one look at Sophia makes us forget it all. We just want to scoop her up and hold her and love on her every chance we get. So that's what we've been up to! We try to cherish every second because we know it's not going to last for long.
This week we are finally getting a break in the stormy weather, and I've been dying to get out of the house! Matt and I have made quick (and I mean VERY quick) trips to Target or the grocery store over the past week while family has stayed at home with Sophia, but it just hasn't been enough for me. I feel torn, I know that I need to leave Sophia at home since we are in the middle of flu season, but when I pull out of the driveway I feel as if I've left the most important part of me behind. It's so hard. But last night we finally took the plunge. Matt and I went on a dinner date and Sophia stayed home with Aunt Carly and Uncle Josh. As luck would have it, Sophia began crying and getting fussy just as we were about to leave. And of course I felt guilty leaving. It probably took us 20 minutes to finally leave the house. But we did. We enjoyed dinner at Red Robin (Thanks Aunt Alisha!), and then strolled through Target for a bit. While it was nice to be out of the house, I just wanted to get back to our little girl!
So the next outing, Sophia participated in! We bundled Sophia up and we went on a walk! It was sunny out today, and not as chilly as it has been, so we took advantage of the nice weather! I'm so anxious to start working out again, but I know I need to still take it easy, so we're walking! It felt great to get out of the house, but I will admit, it's still a little strange to be pushing a stroller! Just when I feel like I'm losing the "New Mom" feeling, it pops up again!
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