Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Our Two Dads!
Katie's tribute to her dad -
When I think about my dad, I think about all the things that he did for Carly and I. Dad worked hard, every day, at a job he pretty much despised, to make sure that we had what we needed, and more. I never remember needing or wanting something and Dad telling us we couldn't have it. He truly spoiled us, in every sense of the word.
Dad and I bonded over many things as I grew up. He is very handy at woodworking, and as far back as I can remember, he has worked in the garage building things. He is meticulous, and makes sure that every little detail is perfect in all that he puts his time and energy into. And though it wasn't started in our garage, I'm pretty sure Dad spent just as much attention to detail when building our relationship.
I remember getting piggy back rides, and sitting on dad's lap. He used to sit with one ankle on his knee, and I'd sit in the "hole" that it made! Haha! We would get rides to bed each night on Dad's back, like riding a horse...I'm pretty sure that's why he has knee problems now! (Sorry Dad!)
I remember being his little fishing buddy. When Dad went fishing on the weekends, it was always an EARLY start to the day. But, I didn't care! I was up before dad, anxious and ready to go. And Dad must have been still asleep half the time, because there was this one trip I will never forget. Dad backed the boat trailer down the ramp. While I held onto the ties, he launched the boat. I held tight, as we were at the river and I could feel the current pulling. But for some reason it felt much heavier than it had before. After watching the truck go back up the ramp I looked at the boat and see it filling with water! That's right, the boat was sinking! So I yelled to Dad and he ran back to the truck and pulled the boat out, only to realize he had forgotten to put the plugs in the bottom of the boat! (And as embarrassed as he might be by this story, it might be one of my most memorable fishing trips)
Or the day that Dad let me play hooky to be his fishing buddy. Salmon were running, and I just HAD to catch one. So we packed a lunch, packed the boat, and headed over to Colusa. We fished all day, and my pole finally got a strike! I had one on! But, I couldn't do it alone! Dad helped me land my first (and only) salmon! It wasn't huge by any means, but compared to the bass we catch up at Trinity, it was a monster!
He has always worked hard at building a solid foundation for our family, and building lasting relationships. When I was really young, Dad built me a rocking horse. It is sturdy and strong, and is still in perfect condition, just hanging in their rafters. I can't wait until we can pull it down and put Sophia on it! And I will share with her the story of how her Grandpa built it for me when I was little, and all of my fond memories. I loved that rocking horse, and I know that Sophia will too. Bass Annual 2006, Trinity Lake
Thank you Daddy-O I love you!
Matt's tribute to his dad -When I think about my dad, the first thing that always comes to my mind is 'dress suits'. My dad has always said he's just as comfortable in a suit as he is in a t-shirt and jeans. And it's true. First thing I do after wearing a dress shirt and necktie all day is change into shorts and a polo shirt. Not my dad. He'd maybe, maybe, take off the dress shirt and wear his undershirt. Still in the slacks. Still in those thin black socks with his ankle hair sticking through. Now of course on the weekends he'd wear casual clothing, but it's those suits in the evenings that I still remember.
I tell you this memory to help explain my appreciation for my dad. Growing up my sister and I LOVED camping. Period. Didn't care where it was. Didn't care how long we were there. We loved going camping with Grandma and Papa. Now, those of you who know my dad, know that his idea of 'roughing it', is staying at a Motel 6 just off the freeway. My dad is not your traditional great outdoorsman. I've joked that the only reason why my dad plays golf outside is that they haven't built a building big enough to house a full 18 holes. Therein lies my father's attachment to those suits. Suits are indoor attire and his comfort level in them speaks volumes to his interests in outdoor activities. Don't get me wrong, my dad liked to go for bike rides or play sports outside with us at home. But it was those traditional 'outdoorsy' things like camping and hiking through the woods that I'm sure he frankly could have been without. But he went anyways. I don't think at the time I realized how begrudgingly he went on these family camping trips, but now that I'm older and have started a family of my own I'm beginning to understand why he went.
I've found myself thinking about what kind of things Sophia will be interested in or involved in as she begins to grow. Like most parents, I'm sure, I've been hoping she will be interested in things that I like or activities that I like to take part in. However, that's not always the case. My dad could have gone through raising my sister and I without having taken one camping trip and been completely satisfied. But he knew how much we loved it and how much it meant to us that he was a part of it. So, he hung up the suit and put on his scrubby clothes because he knew that being with his kids doing something that they loved was more important than his personal desires. Some people may not view that as a big sacrifice, but to me it was as great a gesture about how much my dad loved us.
Now, in all honesty, my dad didn't have it that bad with his two kids :-) My dad loves sports, but mainly basketball and golf (and deep down I know he loves baseball as much as me, he just doesn't know it yet). Luckily for my dad he got two kids who both love sports and gave him an opportunity to practice his coaching skills. I can still remember the first night we got my basketball hoop. Our driveway was too slanted to shoot from, so my dad set up the hoop in the backyard. That's right, my first basketball hoop I learned on, I had to dribble in the grass. Alisha and I loved it though; and from then on it was countless games of horse and one-on-one as we learned the game from our dad.
We were involved in other sports. Every soccer team I played on my dad coached. My dad was an assistant coach on one of my little league teams. My dad taught me how to play golf (more about that later). But basketball is what I remember most. My dad had a passion for the game and loved that my sister and I had embraced it as well. However, basketball season has the unfortunate circumstance of falling right in line with tax season. My father was an CPA for 20+ years and in the latter part of those years owned his own accounting firm. Until my freshman year of high school, I rarely saw my dad in late winter and early springtime. However, no matter how busy he was at the office, or how late it meant he had to stay that night, my dad always made it to our basketball games. So there he was in the stands; in his famous suit. I don't know if I fully appreciated how much time he was taking away from work so that he could see us play. But I always felt important, when I saw my dad walk in, dressed in his suit. He was so busy at work, but my game was more important than any tax return or audit he was working on. My dad in his suit has taught me that making your children a priority is one of the most important things about being a parent. You may not always be comfortable, you may be creating yourself more work; but the only thing that matters is being there for your kids. Loving them and encouraging them in whatever their likes or talents may be.
Now I could stop there when talking about my dad. I had a wonderful childhood and have both my mother and father to thank for that. However, there are memories in my young adult life with my dad that are very dear to me that I'd like to share them as well. I mentioned above that my dad first taught me how to play golf. Dad would take me to the driving range with him when I was younger, but I didn't actually embrace the game until the summer after my freshman year of high school. My dad would be the first to tell you that his golf instruction comes with a learn at your own risk disclosure. After watching him chip over, through, and short of numerous greens throughout a round, I still can't believe that he was the first to teach me short game fundamentals. But as we've now probably played over 100 rounds together throughout the years, we teach each other things about golf and still learn new things about each other. The time that we get to spend together on the golf course are some of my most favorite times in my life. Whether we play well or not, the time spent out on the golf course with my dad is something that I'll always cherish.
Many people that know both my dad and myself say that we are one in the same person. That I truly am my father's son. In keeping with my suit analogies, we both are made for white collar jobs. We both are very stubborn, and we both have this uncanny ability of always being right :-) But what I strive for most in my life is to be more like my dad. He's a man of great integrity; a devote Christian man with a heart for helping people in whatever capacity he is able. He is a faithful and loving husband; a wise and caring father. In many ways I am now like my father; and in many ways I still have much to work on as a man, a husband, and a father. But I'm very thankful that God has given me such a great father to learn from and rely upon. Some men try their best to avoid becoming like their fathers. I can't think of any other man I'd most like to be.
I love you Dad.
Happy Father's Day Matthew

Yesterday was Matthew's first Father's Day and I was so excited to celebrate! While I could go on and on about how I hoped he liked his gifts and how I prayed that the weather would be beautiful for our family bar-b-ques, it all paled in comparison to the meaning of this day. Matthew is such an amazing father and I wanted the whole world to know it.
He is so patient with our little girl, whether he is changing yet another poopy diaper, entertaining her during tummy time, or soothing her screeching cries. He is always ready to be her playmate, making noises and funny faces, or jumping up and down to get those little bouts of almost-laughs. And he is always there to hold our girl, to snuggle her in the mornings or help with the bath before bed.
Even at five months old, Sophia knows he is an important part of her life and she loves him. She looks at him like she does no one else, memorized with amazement and admiration, (Wait until I get the piano video up)
Beyond being a wonderful father, he is also a great husband and my partner in this adventure in parenting. When I fall short as a mother, he is always there to step in and help. When I can't change one more diaper or listen to another moment of crying, Matthew always steps in. In those moments when I'm at my worst, I know that I can depend on him, and that speaks volumes.
So yesterday, Sophia and I celebrated Matthew for all that he is. My very best friend, my most-favorite person, my husband and most importantly, Sophia's Dad!
Happy Father's Day, Matthew.
I love you tons and tons,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Happy 5 Months LoveBug!
You are five months old now and it seems like just yesterday we were holding you for the very first time. In these last five months, you have grown so quickly. Each and every day you continue to surprise us. Just this morning, you saw me eating my toast, and did everything in your power to try and get a bite too!
You have started eating solid foods and you don't hesitate to tell your daddy and I what you like and don't. It's written all over your face! Your favorite food of the moment is peas, which is hilarious given that your daddy has a history with peas! Someday, he'll share that story with you, though he's already warned you not to hide them under the seat cushions at Grandma Sue's! We tried green beans earlier this week and they just didn't sit well on your tummy. We thought your enormous amounts of spit up were bad before, but coming up green, somehow this is MUCH worse! It's ironic; you look like your daddy in so many ways, but you have clearly inherited your taste buds from your mama, thank goodness!
Although you've been drooling for quite some time, and stick EVERYTHING in your mouth, you have yet to get a tooth. As excited as we get about your next milestone, we're okay with this one holding off for a bit. You constantly want to chew on our fingers and we're not quite ready to become your teething ring once a tooth has appeared. But we're anticipating it, and while I'm sure it will bring many tears and sniffles on your part, we're ready and waiting with many snuggles and kisses on ours.
You've finally become a fan of tummy time, and you can hold yourself up for so long. You squirm all around, and make your way in a big circle. Sometimes your feet get going, and it's apparent that you are not content to lay around. Another trait you get from your mama! So we lay down next to you, hoping to entertain you with funny faces, animal noises, and games of peekaboo. But, inevitably, tummy time ends when you stick out your lower lip, furrow your brow, and give us the serious face.
This month, you discovered your feet, and those too, are always in your mouth. I often wonder how long they will keep you entertained, as you seem to be thrilled by them for several minutes at a time. You love when we blow raspberries on them, and you look up at us with the toothless grin when I tickle them with kisses. You love to grab them when you lay in your crib and I've had to resort to new techniques during diaper changes as you wiggle all over the pad to reach your toes.
This time is going by so quickly and every time we turn around, you are learning something brand new. Part of us wants nothing more than to snuggle up to you and stay in this moment, but each and every new phase we go through together is so exciting.
We can't wait to see you crawl, to take your first steps, and daddy's anxious to get his golfing buddy! But as you progress and grow, we feel that each first you've already experienced has been bittersweet. we want you to grow up, to be sweet and independent, and to have an amazing future. But we will miss holding you in our arms, tickling your feet with our kisses, and snuggling you into your crib all swaddled up tightly. But until the day comes when you're all grown up with your own little baby, We're going to enjoy every single moment we spend together. We're going to celebrate all of your firsts and tell the whole world how much we love being your parents.
Happy five months, LoveBug.
***I promise, pictures will be up soon! We're in the middle of a computer transfer!***
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
“Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.”
We've officially had our first few days off together. And I love it.
After reading dozens of child-rearing books, I've noticed that there are some controversies out there over babies and schedules, and who should be in charge of the schedule. Some firmly believe that the parents should set the schedule, and others firmly believe that the babies should set the schedule. So, now you're all wondering, where do we fall? Probably somewhere in between. Now, I know, for those of you who know me well, you are probably thinking: "Wait...Katie that I know? She is ok with giving up the "everything is planned" life?" Well, it's true. To a point.
I will admit, I am one who LOVES routine, and I also function MUCH better when I have a plan that I can stick to. (Hence, teaching.) However, anyone who is a teacher can tell you that things almost never go just how you planned...things always pop up... And that's what I'm also finding out about life at home.
For example, when I thought about summer break, I envisioned a relaxing day with Sophia. Something along the lines of this:
7:00 Sophia and I would wake up when Matthew was getting ready for work, Sophia drinking her bottle while I enjoy a cup of coffee.
7:30 Getting Sophia dressed and into the stroller for a nice morning walk before the dreadful summer heat made it's debut.
8:30 Coming home to Sophia napping in the stroller with just enough time to jump in the shower and get ready for the day.
9:30 Sophia would be ready for her bottle, and I'd have time to empty the dishwasher, make bottles for the day, or fold a basket of laundry.
10:00 We'd have some tummy time, sing some songs, and read a book or two.
10:45 At this point, Sophia might be content enough that I could get something done around the house. I had grand plans to organize the pantry, and kitchen cupboards, to get the floor mopped weekly, to clean the carpets at some point this summer, take care of business around the get the idea!
12:30 By this time, Matthew would be home for lunch, and we'd fill him in on our morning, make lunch, do the dishes, and discuss our plans for the evening.
1:00 A little more time for playing, reading and singing, and another bottle.
2:30 Sophia would eat her afternoon cereal. We'd clean up, (which almost always requires a bath after cereal.)
3:30 We'd head out for the day to run any errands that needed to be done.
4:30 Sophia would be content to play on the floor while I got on here to update you all on the big events of the day...or just to upload new pictures for you all to see.
5:15 Another bottle for Sophia, while I began cooking dinner.
6:00 Matthew would be home, and we'd follow him to the back to talk about our day, and possibly squeeze in an evening walk (pending a break from the heat).
6:30 Sophia's dinnertime cereal
6:45 bath
7:00 bedtime story, prayers and bed for Sophia.
7:15 I'd leave for the gym, and we'd eat when I got back.
So, sounds like a great day, right? That's what I thought!
Well, in reality I have yet to make myself a cup of coffee, or take Sophia on a morning walk, I've got one basket of laundry folded and by this point I already have 3 dirty hampers full, and I organized our kitchen cupboards. I guess for only being off for two days I have accomplished a my "new" standards.
So in my attempt to focus my day entirely around the Little One, do I always have the energy to get my fussy girl to stop crying? Not always. And as embarrassed as I am to say this, today, I resorted to Old Macdonald on YouTube just so I could blow dry my hair!...I know, horrible...But sometimes you just have to find the one thing that will break their concentration long enough for the tears to stop. :)
So, while I have grand plans for the day, who knows how they will turn out. And not only is this "I stick to no plans" thing working out...I LOVE IT! I'm turning over a new stone here if I intend on making plans, great, if I get two or three of these things accomplished, that's just awesome, and if we really stick to them, that's just a giant bonus. Because, now, nothing is more important than rolling around on the floor with my girl.
****So, while I have grand plans to keep you all updated on all the happenings around the Taylor home, I'm sure you'll understand if I don't make it to the computer as frequently as I thought I might!"****
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Schooooooool's out for Summaaaaaaa!
I plan on enjoying every single second that I have, becuase I've never felt time fly by faster than I have in the past 5 months. (That's right, Saturday makes 5 months for Sophia! Can you believe it?!)
And, I also plan on sharing as much as I can with all of you. So be prepared for Sophia updates!

Messy Dinner

Cleaning up after messy dinner