We've officially had our first few days off together. And I love it.
After reading dozens of child-rearing books, I've noticed that there are some controversies out there over babies and schedules, and who should be in charge of the schedule. Some firmly believe that the parents should set the schedule, and others firmly believe that the babies should set the schedule. So, now you're all wondering, where do we fall? Probably somewhere in between. Now, I know, for those of you who know me well, you are probably thinking: "Wait...Katie that I know? She is ok with giving up the "everything is planned" life?" Well, it's true. To a point.
I will admit, I am one who LOVES routine, and I also function MUCH better when I have a plan that I can stick to. (Hence, teaching.) However, anyone who is a teacher can tell you that things almost never go just how you planned...things always pop up... And that's what I'm also finding out about life at home.
For example, when I thought about summer break, I envisioned a relaxing day with Sophia. Something along the lines of this:
7:00 Sophia and I would wake up when Matthew was getting ready for work, Sophia drinking her bottle while I enjoy a cup of coffee.
7:30 Getting Sophia dressed and into the stroller for a nice morning walk before the dreadful summer heat made it's debut.
8:30 Coming home to Sophia napping in the stroller with just enough time to jump in the shower and get ready for the day.
9:30 Sophia would be ready for her bottle, and I'd have time to empty the dishwasher, make bottles for the day, or fold a basket of laundry.
10:00 We'd have some tummy time, sing some songs, and read a book or two.
10:45 At this point, Sophia might be content enough that I could get something done around the house. I had grand plans to organize the pantry, and kitchen cupboards, to get the floor mopped weekly, to clean the carpets at some point this summer, take care of business around the house...you get the idea!
12:30 By this time, Matthew would be home for lunch, and we'd fill him in on our morning, make lunch, do the dishes, and discuss our plans for the evening.
1:00 A little more time for playing, reading and singing, and another bottle.
2:30 Sophia would eat her afternoon cereal. We'd clean up, (which almost always requires a bath after cereal.)
3:30 We'd head out for the day to run any errands that needed to be done.
4:30 Sophia would be content to play on the floor while I got on here to update you all on the big events of the day...or just to upload new pictures for you all to see.
5:15 Another bottle for Sophia, while I began cooking dinner.
6:00 Matthew would be home, and we'd follow him to the back to talk about our day, and possibly squeeze in an evening walk (pending a break from the heat).
6:30 Sophia's dinnertime cereal
6:45 bath
7:00 bedtime story, prayers and bed for Sophia.
7:15 I'd leave for the gym, and we'd eat when I got back.
So, sounds like a great day, right? That's what I thought!
Well, in reality I have yet to make myself a cup of coffee, or take Sophia on a morning walk, I've got one basket of laundry folded and by this point I already have 3 dirty hampers full, and I organized our kitchen cupboards. I guess for only being off for two days I have accomplished a lot...by my "new" standards.
So in my attempt to focus my day entirely around the Little One, do I always have the energy to get my fussy girl to stop crying? Not always. And as embarrassed as I am to say this, today, I resorted to Old Macdonald on YouTube just so I could blow dry my hair!...I know, horrible...But sometimes you just have to find the one thing that will break their concentration long enough for the tears to stop. :)
So, while I have grand plans for the day, who knows how they will turn out. And not only is this "I stick to no plans" thing working out...I LOVE IT! I'm turning over a new stone here folks...so if I intend on making plans, great, if I get two or three of these things accomplished, that's just awesome, and if we really stick to them, that's just a giant bonus. Because, now, nothing is more important than rolling around on the floor with my girl.
****So, while I have grand plans to keep you all updated on all the happenings around the Taylor home, I'm sure you'll understand if I don't make it to the computer as frequently as I thought I might!"****
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