Sunday, September 5, 2010

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."

Yep, She's standing now!

Very much unlike her Daddy, she LOVES peas!

Matthew and I often sit back and watch Sophia as she explores the surroundings of our home. To us, these things she is seeing are just things. But to Sophia each and every new find catches her attention for long bouts of time. I found this quote this morning; "There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." and it just seemed too perfect.

We can watch her crawl into the kitchen and pull open the bottom drawer. Pull it open. How does she know to put her hand on the handle and pull it open???! We are constantly amazed at just how much she learns from observation. She truly is a little sponge, soaking up everything that is around her.

We watched her this month begin to crawl, progressed to pulling herself up (just 2 days later!) and now she is standing on her own. Seriously. How does this happen so fast? There is something about seeing this tiny little girl standing on her own two feet that really makes it feel like it's all happening too, too fast.

Last night Sophia had a rough time getting to bed, and at 9:30, when she's normally been asleep for two hours, she needed a bottle. I held her while she drank, which is something I have not been able to do for a long time. I sat there with my little girl in my arms and cried. I seriously can't explain how much love I have for her, and I can't help but think it's all happening too quickly. We've got to find a way to slow time down. and quick.

She's amazing, this little girl. She's learning so much, she's growing so quickly, and we are having so much fun with her. Everyday she finds a new "wonder of her world" and we learn to take a timeout of life. We learn to sit down and explore each new find with her. There is no way to describe the excitement she has on her face when she discovers something new, or tries to stand in a new place, or discovers that she is capable of something new. And taking time to really, really appreciate each moment with her is perfect.

So the baby-proofing has commenced.

Spending some time trying to feed Daddy her rice puffs!

One of Sophia's Seven Million Wonders of our world.

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