Wednesday, October 13, 2010

9 Months

Dear Sophia,

Today, you are nine months old and I can't believe my eyes. Just a short while ago, you were a tiny little baby snuggled up in my arms, content to stare up into my eyes for hours on end. Today, the world is full of excitement for you, a place ready to be explored and conquered, one drawer or cupboard at a time!

No corner of the house is safe now that you have discovered your ability to walk! That's right, the day before you turned 9 months you began walking! We are still amazed at your desire to get from place to place, however wobbly it may be, you get there!

Your love of exploring has been made easier since you discovered that you aren't limited to the floor. Several days ago just as Daddy and I were leaving for our small group, you stood up in the living room. Something you have been doing since you learned to crawl. But watching you, and the look on your face, we just knew you were going to take your first step. And you did. Right towards Bandit! We were so excited at your accomplishment!

These days, trouble is never far from those hands as you wobble and explore our home. Countless times each day, you hear me utter the word "That is not for Sophia" as you attempt to demolish the floor lamp, pull electrical cords from the outlets, or swan dive from your high chair. And you have a lot to say about things too. Just two weeks ago, you began the oh-so-fun routine of dropping your toys and bottles while in your highchair, just to watch us pick them up for you. And then you said it, "Uh-Oh!" And so that has continued, about 100 times a day! And as tiring as it gets to bend down and pick up every item that is dropped, hearing you use those words, "Uh-oh" in the right context, just blows our minds!

We know that we are going to be busy from here on out, and have pretty much given up all hope of sitting for the next 18 years. And while that sounds terribly exhausting, we really can't wait to see what things you find of interest while exploring your world.

We love you tons,
Mommy & Daddy

Look at me! I'm 9 Months Old! My shirt says so!

And just like everything these days...the shirt goes in the mouth!

Sophia and Mommy before bedtime!

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