Christmas music has been playing in the Taylor household since the day after Thanksgiving! In fact, I heard it on the radio the day before Thanksgiving. My initial thought was, "No way! We have to get through Thanksgiving first...let's just enjoy one thing at a time!" But then in the same instant I was struck with the memories and magical times of Christmas, and go SO excited for Sophia's first Christmas.
So, still bulging from the double-Thanksgivings on Thursday and Friday, Matthew hauled all of our Christmas boxes in on Saturday night, and started our Christmas play list from the iPod. (However, I know I'm not going to the get the "stamp of approval" on this post unless I tell you the name of the play list that Matthew so cleverly created- "My Chestnuts Are Roasting".) So we decorated, while listening to our seasonal favorites. This year decorating took on a whole new challenge! Instead of just placing our decorations around the house where they have sat for the two previous Christmases in our house, we had to have strategies. Strategies that would keep little hands and fingers off of the undoubtedly-breakable Christmas decor.
The Christmas tree also became a challenge this year. Instead of looking for "empty" spots on the tree, we strategically searched for places to put all of the soft, and unbreakable ornaments- that way they would be within the reach of a certain curious little Sophia. While the goal was for her to understand that the tree was for looking at, it was obvious that there would be some grabbing of the ornaments, as she learned about this new monstrosity taking the place of her toy box!
So the next morning we had these grand plans to "unveil" the Christmas tree for Sophia first thing in the morning. And like the excited new parents we are, we wanted to document her reaction on video. So, we get her up and out of the crib, and bring her up front. TEARS...SCREAMING, CRYING, TEARS! What could we have been thinking trying this BEFORE her bottle?! So, rewind. We bring her back to her high-chair, fix her a bottle and then try again. 2nd time was a hit. This time was exactly as we had pictured. She strolled up slowly to the tree, ever-so cautiously, and looked at the lights and ornaments, and smiled the biggest, toothless smile up her Daddy. It made all of the efforts of decorating worth every second.
That's not to say that she kept her hands off of the tree though. In fact, "No," "The tree is for looking at.", and "This is not for you." have been staple statements throughout the Taylor home. But Sophia has begun little bouts of pushing our buttons already. Before one year?! Yep...she can be a little stinker! About the 3rd night with the tree, Sophia had been told to keep her hands off of the tree several times. She had been playing with some toys and got up suddenly, put her hands behind her back, and headed right for the tree. Before getting to the tree, she kept her hands behind her, glanced over her shoulder at us, and then leaned in and bit a branch! Seriously! It was like, "Watch me, mom! I'm not TOUCHING the tree!" This was something that Matthew and I have not been ready for. We thought this came sometime closer to the age of 2. So as quickly as Sophia is picking up new things, we're picking up new parenting strategies.
Being Sophia's first Christmas, she got to participate in many of the annual traditions that happen this time of year. The first was at daycare. Sophia got to meet Santa Claus who brought her her first Christmas gift. Matthew was able to get off of work early that evening. We met at Sherlane's Daycare and we were both pretty sure that Sophia would be shedding some tears when she was placed on Santa's lap. So we were prepared for the tears and screams as she realized she was sitting on a stranger's lap. But she didn't shed a tear! Instead, she was very curious about him. She just sat, looking up at him. It was pretty funny actually. She helped us open her gift, and she absolutely loves it. It's a little snail that giggles and laughs when you push him around on the floor. She will giggle with it, and carry it everywhere!
The next tradition that Sophia got to participate in, is a Taylor Family tradition. Every year, Grandma Sue and Grandpa Whit's prayer group gets together and goes caroling to older friends and relatives. Matthew was out of town enjoying his early Christmas present, a Denver Bronco's football game, (No, he didn't travel to Denver, they were playing in Oakland, and Raiders being one of Uncle Josh's favorite teams, Carly and I sent the boys on a football day.) So Sophia and I joined in the annual caroling adventure. Grandma Sue had began singing Deck the Halls with Sophia one afternoon. She would repeat the fa-la-la-la-laaa-la-la-la-la, so we were all hopeful that she would join in singing the carols this night as well. Sure enough, at our first stop, Sophia joined in! All of us singing cracked up, and the elderly people we sang to, just thought it was adorable. Of course, they all wanted to meet her after showing off her singing skills, so we wished each and every person a Merry Christmas.
So, still bulging from the double-Thanksgivings on Thursday and Friday, Matthew hauled all of our Christmas boxes in on Saturday night, and started our Christmas play list from the iPod. (However, I know I'm not going to the get the "stamp of approval" on this post unless I tell you the name of the play list that Matthew so cleverly created- "My Chestnuts Are Roasting".) So we decorated, while listening to our seasonal favorites. This year decorating took on a whole new challenge! Instead of just placing our decorations around the house where they have sat for the two previous Christmases in our house, we had to have strategies. Strategies that would keep little hands and fingers off of the undoubtedly-breakable Christmas decor.
The Christmas tree also became a challenge this year. Instead of looking for "empty" spots on the tree, we strategically searched for places to put all of the soft, and unbreakable ornaments- that way they would be within the reach of a certain curious little Sophia. While the goal was for her to understand that the tree was for looking at, it was obvious that there would be some grabbing of the ornaments, as she learned about this new monstrosity taking the place of her toy box!
So the next morning we had these grand plans to "unveil" the Christmas tree for Sophia first thing in the morning. And like the excited new parents we are, we wanted to document her reaction on video. So, we get her up and out of the crib, and bring her up front. TEARS...SCREAMING, CRYING, TEARS! What could we have been thinking trying this BEFORE her bottle?! So, rewind. We bring her back to her high-chair, fix her a bottle and then try again. 2nd time was a hit. This time was exactly as we had pictured. She strolled up slowly to the tree, ever-so cautiously, and looked at the lights and ornaments, and smiled the biggest, toothless smile up her Daddy. It made all of the efforts of decorating worth every second.
That's not to say that she kept her hands off of the tree though. In fact, "No," "The tree is for looking at.", and "This is not for you." have been staple statements throughout the Taylor home. But Sophia has begun little bouts of pushing our buttons already. Before one year?! Yep...she can be a little stinker! About the 3rd night with the tree, Sophia had been told to keep her hands off of the tree several times. She had been playing with some toys and got up suddenly, put her hands behind her back, and headed right for the tree. Before getting to the tree, she kept her hands behind her, glanced over her shoulder at us, and then leaned in and bit a branch! Seriously! It was like, "Watch me, mom! I'm not TOUCHING the tree!" This was something that Matthew and I have not been ready for. We thought this came sometime closer to the age of 2. So as quickly as Sophia is picking up new things, we're picking up new parenting strategies.
Being Sophia's first Christmas, she got to participate in many of the annual traditions that happen this time of year. The first was at daycare. Sophia got to meet Santa Claus who brought her her first Christmas gift. Matthew was able to get off of work early that evening. We met at Sherlane's Daycare and we were both pretty sure that Sophia would be shedding some tears when she was placed on Santa's lap. So we were prepared for the tears and screams as she realized she was sitting on a stranger's lap. But she didn't shed a tear! Instead, she was very curious about him. She just sat, looking up at him. It was pretty funny actually. She helped us open her gift, and she absolutely loves it. It's a little snail that giggles and laughs when you push him around on the floor. She will giggle with it, and carry it everywhere!
The next tradition that Sophia got to participate in, is a Taylor Family tradition. Every year, Grandma Sue and Grandpa Whit's prayer group gets together and goes caroling to older friends and relatives. Matthew was out of town enjoying his early Christmas present, a Denver Bronco's football game, (No, he didn't travel to Denver, they were playing in Oakland, and Raiders being one of Uncle Josh's favorite teams, Carly and I sent the boys on a football day.) So Sophia and I joined in the annual caroling adventure. Grandma Sue had began singing Deck the Halls with Sophia one afternoon. She would repeat the fa-la-la-la-laaa-la-la-la-la, so we were all hopeful that she would join in singing the carols this night as well. Sure enough, at our first stop, Sophia joined in! All of us singing cracked up, and the elderly people we sang to, just thought it was adorable. Of course, they all wanted to meet her after showing off her singing skills, so we wished each and every person a Merry Christmas.
Grandpa Don also shared a tradition with Sophia. When we were growing up, Dad would always get Carly and I in the "CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE" hyper mode a day before most people. I think it really hits most people ON Christmas Eve. But Dad got Carly and I just as excited the day BEFORE this, and the 23rd has always been The Eve of Christmas Eve in the Sterk household. So, when Dad sent me a text on the morning of the 23rd, asking, "Do you know what day it is?" There was no hesitation, it was The Eve of Christmas Eve, and I began sharing with Sophia what that meant, and what big events would happen in the next couple of days. Though she is much too young to communicate her excitement, Matthew and I like to think that she knew something big was coming.
Matthew and I both grew up with a family tradition of driving around town and admiring all of the Christmas decorations that families had put on their homes. It was something that we started doing our first Christmas together, and make a point not to miss out on. So we were super excited to take Sophia on this outing this year! It couldn't have come at a better time either! Sophia had just graduated to her "big girl" car seat, which means she gets to face forward now! We weren't sure that she would understand the concept of looking out the windows and looking at the lights, but she did! And she was as excited about her sippy cup of apple juice as we were with our peppermint mochas.
Matthew and I also started a tradition of our own, something that we look forward to each year. On Christmas Eve, we watch The Polar Express. For me, maybe it has something to do with teaching 1st grade, and seeing the kids get so excited about Santa Claus, or just remembering exactly what it felt like to wake up on Christmas morning and feel the magic of what Santa had brought, or even the year that we began to question how he really does it...But something about this movie strikes a cord with us every year. So we attempted to watch it with Sophia. I say attempted, because watching a movie with a 1 year old isn't something that goes over very well. The attention span is about 10 seconds long. So after the attempt, and Sophia going down for a nap, Matthew and I enjoyed this tradition. Even at (almost) 28 years old, I still get teary eyed during the last scene of this movie. I just love the message, about believing in the magic.
Matthew and I both grew up with a family tradition of driving around town and admiring all of the Christmas decorations that families had put on their homes. It was something that we started doing our first Christmas together, and make a point not to miss out on. So we were super excited to take Sophia on this outing this year! It couldn't have come at a better time either! Sophia had just graduated to her "big girl" car seat, which means she gets to face forward now! We weren't sure that she would understand the concept of looking out the windows and looking at the lights, but she did! And she was as excited about her sippy cup of apple juice as we were with our peppermint mochas.
Matthew and I also started a tradition of our own, something that we look forward to each year. On Christmas Eve, we watch The Polar Express. For me, maybe it has something to do with teaching 1st grade, and seeing the kids get so excited about Santa Claus, or just remembering exactly what it felt like to wake up on Christmas morning and feel the magic of what Santa had brought, or even the year that we began to question how he really does it...But something about this movie strikes a cord with us every year. So we attempted to watch it with Sophia. I say attempted, because watching a movie with a 1 year old isn't something that goes over very well. The attention span is about 10 seconds long. So after the attempt, and Sophia going down for a nap, Matthew and I enjoyed this tradition. Even at (almost) 28 years old, I still get teary eyed during the last scene of this movie. I just love the message, about believing in the magic.
And Christmas Eve service at Church. Every year we go to the Christmas Eve service at Cornerstone, and this year, Mae-Mae and Grandpa Don joined us. Sophia was all decked out in her Christmas dress that Auntie Carly had made for her! She looked so cute all dressed up in her fancy dress, and shiny black-patent-leather shoes. Because she is too young (and much to vocal & mobile) to stay with us, she joined all the other dressed-up kiddos in the nursery. We can't wait to share the story of Christmas with Sophia as she grows older and begins to understand more. Just like we grew up knowing that the day was special for the birth of Jesus that we celebrate, we want Sophia to know the real meaning behind the big day too.
And before we knew it, our month full of traditions brought us up to the night of Christmas Eve. We had done nothing in the way of being prepared for the next day! So after getting Sophia some dinner, a bath, and setting out cookies for Santa, (which Sophia wanted to taste-test) Matthew and I were up until 1am, wrapping and preparing for the big morning ahead.
Christmas morning was everything that you would expect it to be! We kept Sophia in her room for her morning bottle so we could catch her first expressions upon finding her gifts from Santa on video. (As a child, I remember sitting in my room while the final touches were being put out, and feeling that those minutes of waiting were like hours!) Sophia was so stinking cute! She loved the farm, and immediately began pushing the buttons to make the chicken sing, and the cow moo. She loved the old fashioned Popcorn Popper toy, and carried it everywhere she went that morning. Though she wanted to carry it up in the air, rather than push it around! (A week into playing with toys and she's mastered it!)

Excited about the new farm!
We continued with a busy morning, going over to Granny & Papa Joe's for Christmas afternoon, and then on to Mae-Mae & Grandpa Don's. Sophia, trying to fight a double ear-infection and a sinus infection (all while breaking 3 new teeth) was a trooper. She napped as best as she could given that she wasn't in her own crib, and somewhat tried to help open her gifts. Mostly, she just wandered around the house, moving, moving, always moving. Which means that we are ALWAYS on the move, and we have to try and anticipate what she's going to get into next! :)
Because we spent Christmas with the Sterk Family on Saturday, we spent Sunday with the Taylor Family celebrating Christmas again! :) Sophia got to try her first cinnamon roll, a tradition that the Taylor's have every Christmas. And she got to eat lasagna too! Which she gobbled up!
So with Christmas all wrapped up, and heading into the New Year, and 1st birthday planning, we want to wish all of our family and friends a very Happy 2011!
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