Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sophia's Silly Side

Our Little Love-Bug

Monday of Spring Break we were up before the sun...and on the road before the sun...heading down to Sacramento for Sophia's ear-tube surgery. (Long version will be posted later) Everything went PERFECT and now we have been experiencing a whole new girl. A MUCH happier girl at that! :) So here are some pics that capture just how sweet & silly our little girlie is these days!

One Saturday morning Sophia and I had gotten up early and had breakfast together. (as we usually do together, as Saturday's are Matthew's sleep-in day, Sunday mine). We were playing up front and she was being her usual silly, playful self. I took her into her room to get dressed, only to hear Matthew waking up. Upon walking into our room, SOphia went right for our mirrored closet door. She stood there and made the "kissy face!" I was cracking up! Where in the world did she come up with this? So I grabbed the camera and told her to make a kiss again, and here's what we got! Smooches!

Her hair is growing at a rapid rate! Thank goodness because I was a little worried it might never grow at all, and we'd end up with a baby mullet! But I picked her up from daycare the week before spring break and our little cutie had these, not one, but two! Pigtails!

Excuse my morning look! Sophia woke up just as I was getting home from the gym this morning, so we had some early (5:30am) cuddles and watched some Handy Manny. Her favorite show! (And yes....she is drinking milk here! FINALLY!!!! We thought that day might never come!)

All dressed up! We went shopping a few weeks ago, and at the request of Daddy, Sophia got a few new summer dresses. This particular morning she even asked to wear the cute hair flower I made her!

And her newest trick: Undressing herself at nap time! :) Although we've avoided the diaper disappearance (knock on wood!) it was still a shock to find her naked when we went in to get her that afternoon! Don't mind the nervous look, we were laughing hysterically, and I'm sure she was wondering why we were laughing at her!

***Updates from Spring Break will be here shortly...or rather, in a while...we had so much happen around the house (the yard, really) that it will take a while for us to post...but we will***

And we might be kinda biased, but you know some of these pictures are just too cute NOT to comment on! :) Don't be strangers out there!

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