Dear Sophia,
It's truly unfathomable that we've had 18 months with you in our lives already. You are growing and learning so much that we are constantly amazed. Here are some things that we want to remember about you at 18 months old:
*You drink more milk than I can keep in the fridge at a time.
*Since we've had your tubes put in your ears in April, you have not had a single ear infection! :)
Sophia, there are so many things about you that we love. We just can't get enough of you. To even try and explain the love we have is impossible. You are such a sweetheart. You share with everyone. You follow directions pretty well. And you LOVE to help us out. Anything that you can do to help us makes you smile.
Here are some pictures from one of our backyard swim days this summer!
Exploring the yard
Hiding from Mom!
Helping to fill the pool
But then, you discovered that the hose is much more fun!
So forget the pool! Let's play with a hose!
Or just explore the grass!
It's truly unfathomable that we've had 18 months with you in our lives already. You are growing and learning so much that we are constantly amazed. Here are some things that we want to remember about you at 18 months old:
* Every day we are hearing more and more new words from you. Just this morning when we were getting you dressed, you picked up your swim suit and said very clearly, "swim suit", then you found your shorts and said "sorts" and then you found your shirt and said "sirt". So cute.
*We absolutely love the way you will pick up a book, turn around and plop down in our laps for some reading. You are getting so good at naming the things you see in the books, and even telling me which books Elmo is in, and which book Lola is in.
*You build Lego's nonstop some days. Which is great because you are finally learning that you can SIT to do something! :) I honestly think that from the day you turned 9 months and were walking until this week, we have not had a break. So we are loving that you've found a quiet activity.
*Though you still keep us on our toes; Just when we think it's safe to move the coffee table back into the house, you take a little tumble; reminding us that our "big girl" really is still a little girl indeed!
*You are OBSESSED with shoes. Seriously. You pick them up, you try them on, you bring them to the people they belong to. You ask for them when you wake up. When it's time to go somewhere you, you bring Daddy or me our shoes.
*You are trying so hard to get the words right when you tell us "I Love You" and they sound like "I Luh Ooo" It's adorable.
*When you can't find something, you will stop what you are doing, stand up, turn your hands palm up and say "...Where are you?" until you find it! And that goes for everything...Mommy, Daddy, Bubbas, Legos, your ball, the music, anything...
*You love playing Hide And Go Seek. Your favorite hiding spot is in your closet, behind your clothes. If we find you right away, you will cover yourself and tell us, ""
*We are trying so hard to limit your "Binky time" so now you only get it with naps and bed time. You are great about putting it into your crib after naps, but every once in a while you will go back to your room, get the binky and come up front with it in your mouth and smile at me very mischievously! You know better Missy!
*You love Bandit, and still call him "Bubba" all the time. When we leave the house, backing out of the driveway you always tell him "Bye-Bye Bubba"
*You two will run around the living room and the backyard together, almost like playing chase, and he is so good with you.
*You love to help us feed him in the morning, and if even one piece of his food falls on the ground, you are sure to pick it up. And when the whole container spills as you are putting the scoop back, you help pick up every piece then too!
*You now have names for everyone: My parents are "Mae-Mae" and "Papa"; Daddy's parents are "Grandma" and "Grandpa". Auntie Carly is "Ti-Ta", Uncle Josh is "Uncle" and Auntie Alisha is "Ti-Ti".
*When we pull up to someone's house, you know where we are and will say their names!
*You will not touch a banana after 6 months of eating nothing but them. Now you love green grapes, "gra-gra" strawberries, "straw-straw" and graham crackers, "cracka." If we have these 3 snacks in the house, then we are all set!
*You drink more milk than I can keep in the fridge at a time.
*Since we've had your tubes put in your ears in April, you have not had a single ear infection! :)
*You love to climb on the couches, and put the pillows on the ground to crawl on.
*You wave to everyone when they leave, and you blow them kisses as we're buckling into your car seat. You really are a big sweetie.
*You tell me now when you are ready for a nap. Usually when we're getting out of your high chair from lunch, or returning home from errands. You will tell me as we pull in the driveway, "Binky. Nigh-Night"
*You are curious about all things new. We went to lunch with Mae-Mae & Ti-Ta last week and our food was very hot. As it was steaming, you were slowly waving your hand through the steam and when it would disappear, you looked around saying, "Where go?" It was the cutest thing and totally had your attention for minutes. (Which is a long time in that curious little mind of yours that jumps from one thing to the next!)
Sophia, there are so many things about you that we love. We just can't get enough of you. To even try and explain the love we have is impossible. You are such a sweetheart. You share with everyone. You follow directions pretty well. And you LOVE to help us out. Anything that you can do to help us makes you smile.
We are so excited to see what God has in your plans. Daddy and I comment all the time that we must be the luckiest parents in the world to have gotten a little girl as sweet as you...You brighten our every day.
We Love You Tons,
Mommy & Daddy
We Love You Tons,
Mommy & Daddy
Here are some pictures from one of our backyard swim days this summer!
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