This fall seems to have had the Taylor Family pretty busy...Between upcoming events, and past events, I feel like October went by in a blur. But we were lucky enough to get two trips out to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. Trip #2 to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm was with Matthew's family; Grandma Sue, Grandpa Whit and Auntie Lish (or as Sophia says now "Auntie Al"!) Since we'd just been out a few weeks prior, we were really hoping that Sophia would have some familiarity with the place, and the seriousnesss would disappear...but she does things her way. And we are quickly learning that sometimes that is the only way.
The little girl that is all smiles and funny as can be at home, is not the same girl we see in public at times. She becomes so reserved and cautious of all things, that sometimes it appears that she's not having a good time at all. This time, we experienced the same thing. Reservation around every corner. Though, both Grandpa Whit and Grandma Sue commented several times that her daddy was the same way; Cautious of all things new. Not that this is a bad thing. Infact, when she climbed up the stairs with Grandma Sue to go down the slide, I was secretly ok with her reservation to go down the slide, and took it at her own pace. It's almost that "Slow and Steady Wins the Race" kind of mentality...If she can do it on her own timing then we're good...but try and rush it, and helllllloooo meltdowns!
So here are a few pics of our day. And then the evening where she was comfortable back in her own home and loving on her daddy. I couldn't resist the mini-photoshoot that went on that evening! Her smiles and laughing just melted my heart! We just LOVE this girl very much, or as Sophia says, "Love You Much"
Oh my goodness how she's grown!!
Checking out the pumpkins carved into the train with Auntie Al and Grandma Sue
She and Grandpa were buddies this afternoon. Which I'm sure he didn't mind one bit!
Little Miss Independent all on her own...Grandpa asked her if she was going to get a pumpkin the night before we left, and she looked at him and said "Yep. Big!" I think she was really hunting for one!
And the Lego time, turned wresting match with Daddy. These are the smiles and silliness that we see at home. All the time. :)
Excuse the bad lighting...but her cheesy grins crack me up!
Sunday morning Football with Daddy. My newest favorite picture!
She's getting really good at cheering with her daddy, and puts her hands up to yell touchdown every time the crowd cheers! It's pretty funny!
She's getting really good at cheering with her daddy, and puts her hands up to yell touchdown every time the crowd cheers! It's pretty funny!
So as you can see...Fall is well underway at the Taylor Home, though we are still waiting on that Fall weather to appear...send it our way anytime!
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