We're at it again. Well, Matthew's at it again. I help where I can... Mostly, Sophia and I rummage through the weeds as I pull them and she looks for worms. or lady bugs, or my personal favorite, "Rolly Puppies" :)
So, if you've ever heard us talk about our yard, you know there's a lot of things that we wanted to change when we bought the house. And ever since the very second that we got our lawn mower and Matthew started mowing the lawn he has HATED the tree in our back yard. It drops these "berry" things that are horrible. We can't walk barefoot in the yard because stepping on one of those things is like stepping on on a pebble. Horrible. Makes you bend over in pain horrible.
Once we had Sophia, it got even worse. Playing in the yard meant going out to sweep it first. And during the "put everything in your mouth" phase, we were constantly on the lookout...who knows what damage these thing can do!

So...After almost 4 years in the house, and almost 4 years of talking about it's non-existence in our yard, the tree is going.
I don't know if I will miss it more this summer when the shade is gone, or if Bandit will. He LOVES running circles around that thing! Here's the last picture we have of Bandit making his run around the tree!

And down a little further is a picture of the yard after the tree was taken out. It really opens it up. Now if you know anything about Yuba summers, you know they are hot. And shade is a necessity. So while we won't have a tree for the shade this summer, a new one will replace it soon. One that absolutely does NOT drop anything. Except it's leaves in the fall of course.
This year, like most years, I had projects planned for my Spring Break. Matthew thinks that sometimes I create a project just because he knows I can't sit around for a week and do nothing. I don't deny that. If there is something I can do that makes something look better than it already does, then I'm on it. I love projects! And some people might think I'm crazy but I like painting too. So that's how I started the week. The weather didn't make for that many days outside anyhow.
Thursday night after getting home from school we had a quick and cold rain pass over the neighborhood. It was one of those small storms where your house might get rain, but 2 blocks away they are as dry as can be. And since it was a small one, Sophia and I ran outside to do some rainbow hunting. :) What a fun way to start Spring Break. We ran around in the sprinkling rain searching the sky for colors. We didn't find a single one, but Sophia melted my heart as she stood in the driest part of our yard singing, "I'm catching rain, I'm catching rain" with her palms out. She sure has a way of making us smile.

After our big rainbow hunting adventure, we ran to Home Depot to get paint for my bathroom painting project. Paint turned into yard supplies, and painting supplies. I guess that's what happens in the spring. After getting Sophia into bed, I taped the bathroom up so I would be ready for painting in the morning.
I'm proud to say that Friday morning, I started painting the hall bathroom at 8:30 and was DONE by 10:30. A personal best! (This is what happens when you dedicate all your school breaks to house projects. Sometimes I think I could work for HGTV and show them a thing or two!)
Sophia and I had some fun projects this week too. We did some art with Shaving cream. Of all things! But it turned out awesome! And we had MANY egg hunts after Easter. Many. She couldn't get enough of me hiding the eggs and her finding them.

And we hung out with Tita and Addison as much as we could. Until the germs hit our house. Then we went into Addison withdraws. We can't get enough of that little sweetie. Here is a picture I stole on one of her many afternoon naps in my arms. Love that little girl!

And just as we started break with a rain storm. We ended with a hail storm. A big hail storm. It almost looked like it had snowed in the backyard!

And for those of you dying for Easter pictures, an Easter update will be next! As soon as I get all my project-clutter cleaned up!
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