Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday, Sophia

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Your Daddy and I are truly bewildered at how you are possibly 5 years old!  You are such a sweetie, and we feel so blessed that God chose us to be your mom and dad. 

Watching you grow into your roll as a big sister over the past two years has been pretty amazing.  You are protective and loving, and you show unconditional love to Ryland.  The love you have for him melts our hearts.  The way you want to sing to him at bedtime.   How you teach him how to do things, so patiently.  And even though you sometimes need reminders that you are not his mom, we know that you do all these things with love. 

This past year has not been without its challenges.  You are a very strong willed young lady.   You know what you want.  Or don't want.  And for that I am so thankful.  I know that this characteristic will serve you well as you grow into an adult.  But teaching you how to control these feelings has been a challenge for your dad and I.   We are constantly researching and learning ways to help you, and trying to find strategies that you can use to learn this control on your own.  Though you push us at times, we know that it is only because you feel so passionate in the moment.  And the level to which you have matured in the past year has astounded us.  You truly are growing up.

Your desire to learn and go to kindergarten in August is the cutest.  You woke up on your birthday and looked at me wide eyed and asked "Now I get to go to Kindergarten, right?!"  As much as I love that you are ready to start, I am also saddened.  We can't believe that you are really at the age to start school.   real school.  We just want you to stay a kid.  Forever.   (Well, maybe not forever, but we do want this time to slow down.) 

 We love you, Sweetie.   More than we can ever express.  All of our love, Forever,

Momma and Daddy

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