Summer vacation that is.
For those of us living here, it is definitely still summer...100 degree days, you are welcome to leave anytime!
I can't believe how fast this summer went by. It seems like just yesterday I was in my classroom counting down the days until I had my unlimited Sophia time. And now we're back to the grind.
But it was a good summer. The best summer.
I am so fortunate to have a job that allows for so much time at home with our little munchkin. And we think she is just perfect. It was so amazing to get up each day and wonder what new thing Sophia would be exploring, or what new milestone she might hit. And it honestly felt like everyday something new was happening.
She went on her first camping trip, her first swim, got her first teeth, began crawling, just days later began pulling herself up, and is trying so hard to stand on her own (for longer than 10 seconds that is!)
We went on countless errands, shopped, visited friends out of town, accompanied us to restaurants for breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but perhaps the most anticipated event of the summer was her first wedding! We had been waiting for my cousin Erin and her fiance (well, now husband) Matt's wedding from the minute they got engaged! The "Save the Date" came in the mail, and we got even more excited, and then the invite came and it all started to feel like it was almost here. And before we knew it, the big day was here.
I don't know if it has anything to do with friends getting married, or experiencing the most amazing day of my life on my wedding day, or just being a girl, but I LOVE weddings. I talked to Sophia for days about the wedding and what would happen. We talked about how Daddy and I pray every night that someday she finds herself an amazing man that she will fall in love with, and how special the day was going to be for Matt and and Erin. I told her all about the plans it takes and the fun that it would be, hoping that in that little tiny mind of hers, she was as excited about this big day as we were. And it was beautiful. Special thanks to Carly and Josh for the great pictures!
And an extra special thanks for including us in your big day, Matt and Erin, we love you guys and we are so happy for you!
Now we're all looking forward to the next big event! Another big congrats to my cousin Dan and his new fiance Melinda! We love you guys, and we can't wait for your big day now!
Daddy doing what he does best! He was so good with Sophia so that I could enjoy the wedding. I am so lucky to have a caring hubby!
Welcome to the family Matt! Cousins!

Meet the Gray's!
Beautiful centerpieces!
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