When I was 30 weeks pregnant, finishing up the last 10 weeks felt like an eternity. We waited and waited and when I think back to those weeks, nothing major stands out. We were ready for our new addition and just had to wait. But now, at 10 weeks old, the time seems to have flown by.
Thinking back on these 10 weeks however, everything seems like a major event! We became a family of 3. We survived our second night with a baby despite the ear-piercing screams. We learned that when our little girl was crying and crying that there was a reason...for Sophia is usually means she is hungry or has a wet diaper. We have figured out what makes her tick. She is a happy baby, most of the time! She loves to lie on her changing table and look at the ceiling fan. She has the most beautiful smile when she wakes up in the morning. She can make your ears ring with her screams. She loves to be held and patted as she falls asleep. She loves sitting in her warm bath, but hates being taken out of it. We've learned that we can function after sleepless nights. We've become accustomed to the fact that we will probably not eat a meal together for quite some time - except when we are blessed enough to have our family watch her and we can go out!!! She is a great traveler. I can take a shower by putting her in her bouncer seat. She loves to watch the bear mobile in her pack-n-play, and she often coos up at them. She pretty much lets anyone hold her. When she wakes up, it's eating time...no messing around! She can generate a load of laundry by herself EVERY day! And this is just the beginning...
Perspective changes everything. Time is different. Priorities are different. Family is different. Life is different. But all for the better. I could never have imagined how life would be after Sophia. As ready as we were, we had no idea. The journey continues to teach us something new about ourselves, about each other, and about Sophia, every day. And for me, the journey is taking a major change on Monday. But I know that I'll get through it, probably not with dry eyes, but I'll get through it...
Sophia looking serious as she tries to wake up!
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