boo :(
I wasn't worried about going back. I knew that Sherlane and Christina would take great care of her. For as long as I can remember growing up on Oakwood Dr. They have been our neighbors! Christina, Carly, myself and a few other neighborhood girls grew up together. We were the classic American neighborhood; Fourth of July block parties, riding bikes 'around the block' countless times... (this was way back when it was NOT ok to ride in the street and we HAD to wear our helmets!), we had sleep overs, spent summer days swimming in the good ol' doughboy pool, thought we were SO COOL listening to New Kids on the Block, I thought Christina was the best when she invited me to her birthday party with all her "older" friends (it was really only a 1-2 year difference) and we got to sleep out in the tents in her backyard...the memories just keep coming...needless to say, they are nowhere near strangers to me, or our family. So I wasn't worried at all. So why was I crying? I felt sad and guilty. And I still do.
I was sad leaving my little girl. I was sad that she would wake up with someone else, that she would make her little noises for someone else, that she would smile at someone else, and fall asleep in someone else's arms, (And you know you're a mom when, as much as I despise it, I wanted to be the one changing every diaper and every outfit she spit up on...)I just wanted it to be me.
So we arrived at Sherlane's and I was trying to be strong, but the minute we stepped inside, reality hit. I had to leave Sophia. I started balling. Sherlane was so sweet, she gave me a big hug and just kept reminding me that it's all about time. And that it doesn't matter how much time we spend together, it's about the quality of time that we spend together. I just kept reminding myself that really it would not be that bad, and that really, I have the best profession to allow for more momma time, and that really I had an easy week ahead of me...Monday through Thursday and then Spring Break. I kept thinking about how much worse it could have been if I was leaving her with a stranger. But I wasn't and at least I had that on my side!
So, I cried myself to school. But I have to say, being met at my classroom door with smiling faces, students excited to have me back, and countless hugs made the morning more tolerable. I had yard duty (yeah, Welcome Back!) and every single student ran to me and gave me the biggest hug before our school bell even rang! Our morning might not have been the most productive, but it was positive and that was what we needed to get back into the swing of things! The kids asked hundreds of questions and wanted to see pictures, so I spent the bulk of the morning talking about our little Love-Bug.
But I have to tell you, the best feeling of all was walking into Sherlane's and picking up our little Sophia. She seemed so small after spending my day with 6 and 7 year olds. And she was still a little perfect package; exactly as I had left her. Protected, safe, and well-loved. Of course she generated a load of laundry in one day...but no complaints here!
The rest of the week went off without a hitch. It was still sad to leave each morning; but the tears subsided. We survived our first week! And now it's time for Spring Break! Another week with my sweetie-pie! Pictures will be up soon!
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