This post is in memory of our biggest fur-baby, Chelsea.
Chelsea was our first dog. She was an English Springer Spaniel, and even though everyone thinks their dog is the smartest dog, Chelsea really was! How many dogs do you know that will let you know when they have to go potty by ringing a bell? Chelsea did!, Or dogs that would open up presents that had been wrapped? Chelsea did! And on occasion, those gifts were not for her, but it made for good laughs! Or dogs that would ask for a treat every night at 8:30 on the dot? Chelsea could! Of course, she did regular dog tricks too, like dancing, and walking, and speaking. She'd do anything to catch popcorn thrown mid-air, or eat shreds of lettuce. And she was smart enough to decide where to sleep based on the weather. If it was cold she slept on the floor in front of the refrigerator for heat. If it was hot she slept on the tile entryway floor for the coolness. And if it was just right, she would curl up in someone's room. Now, when she was a puppy, it was an argument over whose bed she got to curl up on. But over the years she always picked laying by dad's side of the bed! They were true buddies.
Even though Dad will probably deny it today, he was totally against getting a dog. I'm sure somehow he knew that ultimately he would be the one picking up after her in the yard, and he knew that even when we tried our best, he'd have to dodge land-mines while mowing the lawn. I'm sure he knew that we'd argue over whose turn it was to walk her and bathe har. But really, in the beggining it was Carly and I who begged for her.
Chelsea began her life with our family, quite literally. Sherlane's dog, Roxie, was having puppies and we just had to have one. So we begged and begged, and finally Dad caved. But really, did he have a choice living with us 3 girls?
I still remember clearly the day Roxie went into labor. It was after school one day so we got watch. I don't know if we actually saw her birth, but we saw 2 of the 3 females born that day. And every day after that, for 6 weeks, we were down at Sherlane's playing and loving on those pups.
Chelsea quickly became part of the family! And Dad was determined to have a fishing buddy. So, Chels joined us on our anual camping trip to Trinity Lake. Every year she would ride in the back of the truck. Sleeping. UNTIL we saw the lake. When we came around the corner to see the lake, it was as if she could smell it. She'd bounce up, with her paws on the edge, just drooling at the lake. She LOVED the water! In fact, we quickly learned that she loved the water too much to be Dad's fishing buddy. There was NO way she would have stayed in the boat with Dad!
She was such a lively dog. She'd seriously play fetch for hours. She didn't have to have some fancy toy. She'd find anything for you to throw. She'd scour the yard for rocks if it meant you'd throw them for her! And as annoying as that could be, I know I'm going to miss sitting on the patio and feeling her cold snout rub your hand like, "Come on guys, just ONE more."
She was a loyal dog too. She knew when we were gone and she wouldn't eat her food. But the minute we were home, she'd greet us with a full body wag. Yep, fullbody. She didn't have much of a tail, so her entire back end would wiggle from side to side. Then it was chow time. Or she'd hear the car in the driveway and she'd stick her snout throgh the little hole in the gate before we got the garage open. She was always as anxious to see us as we were to see her.
But, she always chose Dad. She'd follow him everywhere he went in the back yard. When he mowed the lawn, she was right behind him. And we always knew because her white feet would be stained green for days after! She'd follow him everywhere. Working on the pool pump, building things in the garage, fixing a sprinkler, planting new flowers and bushes, always at his side.
But she was an old dog, and though it's sad that she is gone, there is a little bit of relief. Relief knowing that she doesn't have to struggle to breathe. Relief knowing that she doesn't get startled when she doesn't hear someone coming into a room. Relief that her struggle is over. So this summer she'll be sprinkled over Trinity Lake. She'll forever be swimming in the lake. And Dad will finally have his fishing buddy, knowing that she's with him for every bass he gets!