Sophia lounging. For whatever reason, she was only content in her diaper on this particular morning!
Yes! It's Spring Break...I know I just went back to work and now I'm getting a week off for Spring Break. I love it! Last week at work really has helped me to cherish every single second that I am home with Sophia this week. As I type this, she is sleeping on my chest...She's been in my arms all week! :) I can't help it!
Part of the clinging is Sophia's cold. Poor baby has had a stuffy, drippy nose since Friday. I guess that's what happens when you start daycare and your momma is around germ-filled little 1st graders all was bound to happen. So, we've been cuddling. I'm hoping this extra dose of love helps the cold disappear quickly. Even when sick, she's an angel.
Sophia getting drowsy from her bottle. I always say her tummy is like a gas tank, the more full it gets the sleepier she gets!
Our week has been filled with cuddles, and lots and lots of talking! Sophia is on a roll with all her cooing. It is the most fun thing to listen to! We have "conversations" that mainly consist of me telling her what I am doing, what she is looking at, reading stories, singing songs, just about everything. We talked about the NCAA championship game where Matthew and Uncle Josh cheered on Duke as Aunt Carly and I made pizzas! (See the pics below! And thanks to Aunt Char and Uncle Jim for the awesome wedding present of the pizza book...we make pizzas so often I almost don't need the recipe in front of me anymore!) We talked about laundry as I folded it endlessly (She is growing into her next size already! So we spent two afternoons washing all of her 3-6 month clothes, putting them away, and packing up all the 0-3 month clothes.) We went for a visit to Dr. Midha's, her pediatrician, to make sure her cold wasn't anything worse after she'd been grabbing her left ear all day, and it wasn't. Just a cold, which is good news, but there's nothing to do for it, so poor baby has to suffer until she's well again. We talked about her baths, and her burps and her toys. She spent lots of time talking to her mobiles; the one in her crib and the one in her pack-n-play; she loves them both!
One of the sounds Sophia makes the most is "ooooooooh" and her lips make the most perfectly round shape! Sometimes it's really loud and others it's almost like a whisper! I love to watch and listen to this! And I was able to capture it on camera as we both were making the sound together! :) I know, I'm a dork...but you kinda turn into a very silly person when you have kids!
Needless to say, we don't need a tropical vacation, or a trip out of town to enjoy our break...we are having a great time together, and yet again, I am not looking forward to going back to school on Monday.
*On a side note, Matthew and I are asking you to please pray for teachers' jobs this week. We are meeting with our Union President and the lawyer who is representing us this Friday to discuss the first (but hopefully not last) settlement agreement. At this point they are not able to rescind all pink slips, but it looks like progress is being made. Last summer was extremely stressful, and as much as I'd like to know what the plans are so that we can have a sense of calm around here, I'm at peace with whatever is going to happen. I know that God has plans for me, I just have to wait and see what they are! I'll keep you all updated when I hear more!
i love the last picture of you and sophia :)
ReplyDeletehapy first mothers day kate!!! :)