We are home and finally recharging from a week of camping. Camping is one of my favorite summertime activities; I love being outside, waking up to the sun shining in through the tent, listening to the crickets, spending a day out on the lake, and fishing. :)
Last week we spent the entire week at Trinity Lake. It turned out to be quite a hectic week, for several reasons! One reason being that it rained. Not just rain, but pouring down buckets of rain. Which we were not really prepared for. We had been watching the weather all week leading up to the big trip, and each time we checked it, we saw a 10% chance of rain. I should have known better. During most of the summer's that we spend our week at Trinity, we get rain. But in the past, the rain comes for 30 mins, pours and is gone. But not this year. We had a solid day of rain. We were so thankful that Mom and Dad had their trailer up there...Can you imagine trying to keep an 18 month old, who never sits still, out of the rain all day!!?!
Another reason this week was so hectic, was Sophia! Now, we are not complaining, just giving all you fellow families out there a heads-up! Sophia is an explorer. She is constantly looking at new things, opening drawers and cupboards, picking things up, putting things together, etc. So this week of outdoor surroundings created a different atmosphere of exploration. Dirt, rocks, trees, rocks, pine cones, rocks, sticks, rocks, the lake, and...rocks. :) For some reason, this girl was entranced by rocks! Every time we took a walk somewhere she would stop us, look for a rock and pick it up. At times she had 3 or 4 in her hands and still tried to pick up another one! They were like gold to her!
Watching her explore this new territory was so much fun. And so much work! Keep in mind, there are no walls when you go camping! And invisible boundaries are so difficult to explain to a little one...So one of us was up and following her at all times. (Not to mention the "heads-up" we got from our camping-neighbor about scorpions!)
Another part of the week that made things hectic was sleeping in a tent. :) Sophia is pretty set on her bedtime routine, which at home is great. We never have any tears. She knows the routine. Dinner, playtime, bath time, story, and bed. But camping through that whole routine for a big loop. Not to mention the different scenery. A tent was definitely not her bedroom, and she knew it. The first night was a nightmare, seriously. The playpen was clearly not her choice of beds. (which, given our limited travel for it's use, we nearly forgot to pack! can you imagine if we had gotten up there and realized we didn't have a bed for her!!?!!) She woke up about 3 times, screaming. Screaming in a tent. (Now if you remember last year, we were dealing with teething...) So by the 3rd wake up, she was in bed with us. An air mattress that caves to the center, with 3 people. I know that some people make a big deal out of co-sleeping, and everyone has their opinions about it, but it was not something we got in the habit of with Sophia. So having her in our bed made sleep difficult. (But that's not to say that I didn't indulge in every second of her cuddles!) Not only because of the limited space. But because of my paranoia. I could not sleep more than just a doze with the thought of blankets and the air mattress blocking her air. Call me crazy if you want to! So we spent the week, cuddling on an air mattress, with very, very limited amounts of sleep!
But the best part of the week, was the reason that we are all there. Fishing. Fishing is a big sport on the Sterk/Sanders/Nason side of the family. So big, that our entire week of camping seems to revolve around several key questions:
*Who's going fishing with whom?*What bait are they using?
*How big are the fish?*How many were caught?
*What depth of water were they caught at?and the biggest secret of all...Where they were caught?
My dad has always answered these questions with "I caught them with bait in the lake." :) But when it comes to family, all those questions and answers are shared...after all, we have to have enough fish for the big fish feed on Friday night! And everyone has a fair shot at the trophy! I mean really, who doesn't want this beauty on their mantel, right?!

Matthew and I got a pretty good routine set. He would go fishing in the morning while I stayed at camp with Sophia, and when he got home, we would do a family activity together, and he'd give me some "baby-break time." But on Monday night, Matthew surprised me. He told me that he knew that the trip would not be the same for me if I did not get out on the boat for some fishing time with my dad. And he was right. We've been going up to Trinity Lake for as long as I can remember, and for many years, I was as fierce a fisher woman as any of the men in the family; up at dawn, baiting my own hooks, and catching hogs! So I was especially touched that he volunteered to stay at camp so I could take part in the fishing tradition.
When I got home, we suited up and headed out on the boat for some swimming. Sophia was not a big fan of the boat and her life jacket this first trip out to the beach. But by then end of the week she was a pro! So relaxed that she fell asleep both on the way out, and on the way back to camp! She was not very adventurous at first, staying close to the shoreline. But just like the boat ride, she was comfortable and having fun by the end of the week. She would walk out in the water, with one of us always by her side, and eventually made it to shoulder deep water! I'm secretly hoping she's a little water-baby like I was! :) I still can't get enough of the water in the summer!
Thursday night our family started a new tradition! a dutch-oven cook off! Our family is full of foodies who can appreciate a good meal, so adding a little competition ensured the best foods yet! :) Everyone took their recipe and cooking so seriously. It was fun to pull up and see all the cooks tending to their food...and it smelled great too. We were equally excited about the arrival of our cousin Erin & her husband Matt! They drove all the way down from Oregon to be a part of this special weekend! As expected, dinner was delicious, and every recipe was equally yummy! So instead of voting, each cook pulled straws. Uncle Bill was the winner this year! The trophy for this competition is an old wooden pepper mill that belonged to my grandparents. It sat on their dining room table or kitchen counter for as long as I can remember. Now this pepper mill was used by my Gramps for every meal. So you can imagine the state of this pepper mill after several years and several hands had been on it. But somehow, through all the yard sales and donations upon selling Grandma & Grandpa's house, Uncle Bill salvaged it, which made it even more fitting that he was the inaugural winner!
The next night was the annual bass fish fry! :) Yummy! We even had an appetizer of catfish thanks to my Momma catching the first catfish in 20+ years! To say the experience was far-out would be putting it lightly! :) Mom, Dad, Aunt Pam & Uncle Bill had the "bright" idea to get each of us tye-dye shirts to wear at the annual event! As you can tell from the pictures, our group was glowing...I'm sure we could be seen from space! As silly as it is, it was so much fun!
Us Girls in our traditional picture
(This year Sophia got to join us!)
Even Sophia had a tie-dye onesie!
(and yes, we brought a play-pen to help contain her / give us a running break while we were in the wide open outdoors! Though this was the most time she spent in it all week!)
Ladies prepping the dinner line!
Men frying the fish!
Erin and both of The Matts!
This prompted me to come home and order actual prints of all the pictures we've taken in the last year...There's just something about turning the pages of an album and reliving those moments that clicking the button of a mouse does not fulfill!
The Whole Clan!
(Though we missed you Dev, Monica, Maya, Isaac, Dan & Melinda!)
After dinner, we all gathered around the campfire, as is tradition. And the nominations went flying! One after another people were nominating others for the big bass trophy. Some nominations were for the big fish that were caught this year. Some nominations were for sportsmanship. Some for the most fish caught. One for bringing a boat. Two for just being there! One for allowing me time to keep my fishing tradition (Thanks again sweetie, that really did mean so much to me!) But when the votes were tallied, it was easy to see. The winner this year didn't catch the biggest, or the most fish. In fact, he hardly caught any fish at all. But he never complained. And every morning he was out there again. The winner this year showed what it really is about; plain and simple, The Love of Fishing. Congratulations Dad!

(This year Sophia got to join us!)

(and yes, we brought a play-pen to help contain her / give us a running break while we were in the wide open outdoors! Though this was the most time she spent in it all week!)
This prompted me to come home and order actual prints of all the pictures we've taken in the last year...There's just something about turning the pages of an album and reliving those moments that clicking the button of a mouse does not fulfill!

(Though we missed you Dev, Monica, Maya, Isaac, Dan & Melinda!)
After dinner, we all gathered around the campfire, as is tradition. And the nominations went flying! One after another people were nominating others for the big bass trophy. Some nominations were for the big fish that were caught this year. Some nominations were for sportsmanship. Some for the most fish caught. One for bringing a boat. Two for just being there! One for allowing me time to keep my fishing tradition (Thanks again sweetie, that really did mean so much to me!) But when the votes were tallied, it was easy to see. The winner this year didn't catch the biggest, or the most fish. In fact, he hardly caught any fish at all. But he never complained. And every morning he was out there again. The winner this year showed what it really is about; plain and simple, The Love of Fishing. Congratulations Dad!