Things around here have been pretty routine lately. But we are not bored. Not in the least!
We've been having a great time playing with our little munchkin, and watching her grow more and more every day!
Here are some snap shots of a week with Sophia!

Sophia rolling around on the floor. She wants to crawl so bad, and she'll try...for like 5-10 minutes. Then it's all tears! She's definitely scooting all over the place!

Bath time fun! She's becoming so wiggly that bath time has become quite the challenge!

Drying off after the bath! We love the ducky towel!

Sophia in one of her swim suits! We've really enjoyed swimming at Grandma Sue and Grandpa Whit's house during this summer heat!

Sophia in her second swim suit! What girl doesn't need more than one suit, right?!
(Thanks Michelle for spoiling our little girl with a Baby Gap swim suit! )

Sophia in her Hippo Floaty! This thing is a crazy contraption...BUT she loves it! And it even has a handy sun shade! Perfect!

Napping on the way home from a day at the pool! Swimming and the sun take a lot out of us!

Our own little Kewpie Doll with the tuft of hair sticking up!
Happy girl waking up after nap time!

She loves her Jungle Bouncer SO much that she jumped herself to sleep! :) Cracked us up!

First time Sophia wore sandals, so she's checking them out. After the fights with socks this winter, I wondered how long these would last....grand total of 10 minutes before her toes were out and they were flapping from her ankles!

Hi Mom and Dad! :) I got myself un-swaddled last night!
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