Photo Shoot from 6 Month Birthday!
Dear Sophia,
Happy 6 month birthday, little love bug! You are six months old today and Dad and I are already trying to choke back the tears as we think about how fast you're growing up. It's been so wonderful watching you grow and learn new things every single day, but the time goes by too quickly. The snuggles and smiles are here one moment and gone the next, leaving your daddy and I wondering how these days can fly by so fast.
This has been such a big month for you. You have become quite the mover! You so badly want to crawl around the living room to get to your toys! Last week, I put you on one end of your blanket, and dumped your toys at the other end. It wasn't long before you had scooted yourself all the way across. I was so proud, and ran for the video camera. But, inevitably, as soon as the camera was on, you were content to lay with your well-earned toys and chew. The squirming was through. But as it was, I settled for smothering your little face in kisses.
This month, you still haven't grown any teeth! While you are growing in all other areas, those teeth just don't seem to be making their appearance anytime soon!
You have become very aware of the things taking place around you, especially when it comes to food. Anytime that someone is eating, you let us know that you would like to be eating too. This makes things a bit complicated when your daddy and I go to restaurants, but we've learned to keep a stash of extra baby food and a bottle handy at all times.
Your favorite food is still sweet potatoes! And whenever you get a taste of that yummy orange treat, you never fail to grab the spoon and ask for more. Or lately, you've learned how to blow bubbles with your lips so the yummy goodness ends up sprayed all over Daddy and I. You're not quite ready to feed yourself yet, but you try your best, bringing the spoon up to your face in an attempt to find your mouth. You are growing up so quickly, but it's nice to be reminded that you still need your mama and daddy to help you with a few things!
This month you began repeatedly saying "Dada" for the first time. We could hardly believe our ears that morning as we heard you babbling away in your crib, and then you kept it up as we cuddled in bed. It still melts our hearts every time you say it. And I know secretly, Dad loves that your first word has been his name! We're working very hard on getting the next word..."Mama", but you haven't quite mastered that one! At first we were not quite sure if you really knew what you were saying, but I'm convinced, as you only say it when Dad is home, or if he is in the room. And Saturday, you looked right at him and said with conviction, "Dada" while being held by Grandma Sue.
These last six months have been a wild ride and we've had a few scrapes and bumps along the way. I'm not perfect mom, but I look back on these six months and I see how we have grown together. From our very first meeting in that hospital bed to this evening as I watched you sleep in your crib, I can see how this journey has changed us both. You have become so sweet and so strong. You have a distinct personality with strong likes and dislikes. You know your mama and daddy, and your whole face lights up when we play with you. You are growing into a wonderful little girl and I cannot wait to see what the next six months will bring.
Through all of your changes, you have made me a better mama. Six months ago, I had no idea what I was doing and the concept of changing a diaper on your delicate, breakable little body was terrifying. You have shown me that I can be a good mama. You have taught me what it means to sacrifice myself for someone else. And you continue to make me into the person I want to be, the person I want you to look up to and admire as you grow and become a little girl.
Sophia, I am so proud of you. When I look at you, I see the very best of your daddy and myself. You are so bright, so open, and so loving; it leaves me absolutely speechless to try to put words to the hopes and dreams I have for you. I love you more than I can say.
All of my love,
Happy 6 month birthday, little love bug! You are six months old today and Dad and I are already trying to choke back the tears as we think about how fast you're growing up. It's been so wonderful watching you grow and learn new things every single day, but the time goes by too quickly. The snuggles and smiles are here one moment and gone the next, leaving your daddy and I wondering how these days can fly by so fast.
This has been such a big month for you. You have become quite the mover! You so badly want to crawl around the living room to get to your toys! Last week, I put you on one end of your blanket, and dumped your toys at the other end. It wasn't long before you had scooted yourself all the way across. I was so proud, and ran for the video camera. But, inevitably, as soon as the camera was on, you were content to lay with your well-earned toys and chew. The squirming was through. But as it was, I settled for smothering your little face in kisses.
This month, you still haven't grown any teeth! While you are growing in all other areas, those teeth just don't seem to be making their appearance anytime soon!
You have become very aware of the things taking place around you, especially when it comes to food. Anytime that someone is eating, you let us know that you would like to be eating too. This makes things a bit complicated when your daddy and I go to restaurants, but we've learned to keep a stash of extra baby food and a bottle handy at all times.
Your favorite food is still sweet potatoes! And whenever you get a taste of that yummy orange treat, you never fail to grab the spoon and ask for more. Or lately, you've learned how to blow bubbles with your lips so the yummy goodness ends up sprayed all over Daddy and I. You're not quite ready to feed yourself yet, but you try your best, bringing the spoon up to your face in an attempt to find your mouth. You are growing up so quickly, but it's nice to be reminded that you still need your mama and daddy to help you with a few things!
This month you began repeatedly saying "Dada" for the first time. We could hardly believe our ears that morning as we heard you babbling away in your crib, and then you kept it up as we cuddled in bed. It still melts our hearts every time you say it. And I know secretly, Dad loves that your first word has been his name! We're working very hard on getting the next word..."Mama", but you haven't quite mastered that one! At first we were not quite sure if you really knew what you were saying, but I'm convinced, as you only say it when Dad is home, or if he is in the room. And Saturday, you looked right at him and said with conviction, "Dada" while being held by Grandma Sue.
These last six months have been a wild ride and we've had a few scrapes and bumps along the way. I'm not perfect mom, but I look back on these six months and I see how we have grown together. From our very first meeting in that hospital bed to this evening as I watched you sleep in your crib, I can see how this journey has changed us both. You have become so sweet and so strong. You have a distinct personality with strong likes and dislikes. You know your mama and daddy, and your whole face lights up when we play with you. You are growing into a wonderful little girl and I cannot wait to see what the next six months will bring.
Through all of your changes, you have made me a better mama. Six months ago, I had no idea what I was doing and the concept of changing a diaper on your delicate, breakable little body was terrifying. You have shown me that I can be a good mama. You have taught me what it means to sacrifice myself for someone else. And you continue to make me into the person I want to be, the person I want you to look up to and admire as you grow and become a little girl.
Sophia, I am so proud of you. When I look at you, I see the very best of your daddy and myself. You are so bright, so open, and so loving; it leaves me absolutely speechless to try to put words to the hopes and dreams I have for you. I love you more than I can say.
All of my love,
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